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Test 5



The correct answer is 7 bits because 2^6 is only 64. But 2^7 IS 128 meaning that the 100 staff members will each be able to recieve a unique bit sequence.


The correct answer is B because heuristics can possibly be used to find solutions in a more reasonable time frame. The heuristic will help find approximate solutions quickly.


The corrct answer is D because the index-1 must go outside the condtitional statement. If it is inside the conditional it will only subtract when the word is the or a. This means it will nto terminate.


A is incrrect bevcause it uses nonproprietary protocols which are open. B is correct though because the open protocols make it easy for a new device to connect to the internet. Which makes it built for an increasing number of users.


A is incorrect because certificate authorities do not verify the safety of websites. ALthough D is correct because certificate authorites distribute digital certificates which are used to certify the ownership of public keys.

Test 3



1 does not work because tied people will both sit down. This meansif the 2 youmgets people tie they will sit down and the true youngest will not be standing


C would not show 20 because it terminates before then but if it does when x is greater than 20 it will go to 21(whihc is dividisble by 3 and not show) and then terminate showing all the numbers 1-20.


D is corretc because it will return the sum of numbers 1-n. J will increase by one each time to loop until it is larger then n and adding to result each time so it adds all the numbers between 1 and n together.


A is incorrect because it will open the gate outside of buisness hours but D is correct because it will only open it during the correct buisness hours.


The correct answer is B because a no rights reserved liscense will allow free use nd distribution of someones work.

Test 1



Fault tolerance is about redundancy so that if one component fails communications is not cut off from the others meaning the correct answer is A: The network is considered fault-tolerant because there are redundant paths between each pair of devices.


The correct answer would be c: V because the Hexadecimal number of 56 is equivalent to the decimal number of 86 which corresponds the the letter V.


The correct Answer is B because the definition of fault tolerance is that even when some things fail connection is still available. This is what answer B says which is why it is the correct answer.


The correct answer is C because the internet is network not a data stream


The correct answer is A because the metadata will be used to route the data to the correct receiver not for the encryption.


A is not the correct answer because the database does not have access to other majoring students but B is correct because it can compare the genders in computer science.


The correct answer is C because the count = 0 must be outside the for each function or else count will constantly be reset to 0.


The correct answer is B because the new device must be assigned a IP address so it can receive information that would like to be sent to it.


C is correct because the time can be used to make estimates on future calls which makes II true and III is true because the calls from one number can be connected to other numbers who could be put on that criminal list.


The correct answer is C because the cost is not tracked so it will not be able to be answered with the feature


The corrected answer is D because the program will only change how frequently visited websites ae accessed and not if the websites are accessible or not.




The correct answer is A because an overflow error means that the number trying to be displayed is to large and there are not enough bits available.


The correct answer is A because all students are needed and there GPA but also all sports are needed not just more than one or not just above 3.5